

Races / Αγώνες

Races / Αγώνες

Upcoming Races Crete has a massive running community across all the main prefectures of Kissamos from the West through Chania, Rethymno, Heraklion and Lasithi in the East. There are usually at least one race every week across the island with a mixture of difficulties and distances across both road running and trail running. So, whatever race you are looking for, you will be sure to find one and more that suit you on the island.  For more details on each race, including registration information and a calendar of events please clock on the link below. If you would like help

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The journey to 100 miles

The journey to 100 miles

Returning home After successfully completing my first marathon, the Athens marathon, I set my sights on the next most important thing in my life…my approaching 40thbirthday and the celebrations that would ensue. I travelled around the world from Hong Kong to North America, onwards to Europe and Argentina, celebrating with best friends and adventuring in new parts of the world.  Of course, I continued running, as this was now part of my lifestyle, but with no particular goal in mind.  Once I had safely transitioned into my 40thyear it was time to take some action and decide where I wanted to lay my

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How I got into running at the age of 39

From the Corporate World To Runner I was never into running growing up.  I played football when I was little and then Judo in my teenage years, but really from the ages of 14 onwards sport had very little to do with my lifestyle.  In my mid-30s I was depressed about my weight and my looks and I saw a personal trainer for a couple of years, but then I moved to Hong Kong in 2012 and the demands of my job and the lifestyle there pretty much threw that out the window.  I valiantly tried to go on small jogs, but nothing

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