

Races / Αγώνες

Races / Αγώνες

Upcoming Races Crete has a massive running community across all the main prefectures of Kissamos from the West through Chania, Rethymno, Heraklion and Lasithi in the East. There are usually at least one race every week across the island with a mixture of difficulties and distances across both road running and trail running. So, whatever race you are looking for, you will be sure to find one and more that suit you on the island.  For more details on each race, including registration information and a calendar of events please clock on the link below. If you would like help

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Me vs The Bighorns

Me vs The Bighorns

My first 100 mile race Bighorn – (as per their website) a tough contender in the ultra-world boasting its name on the top 10 most difficult ultras in the nation. We met with Mother Nature to custom design a challenging course: full of steep climbs, difficult down hills, shoe sucking mud, and relentless technical terrain leading you to spectacular views with a possible wildlife encounter here or there.  Participants, be prepared to endure extreme ever-changing mountain weather conditions and temperature variations. Mother Nature provides over 20,500 feet of ascent and 20,750 feet of descent testing the most seasoned ultra-runners with

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